Del Estrecho

Del Estrecho
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A bridge between continents, a prolific meeting point of two bodies of salt water such as the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean, this coastline of the Strait, its relief, its flora and fauna, the history of its people, cannot be understood without the silent and whimsical sculpting work of its eternal winds.

Located in the far southwest of the province of Cadizextends along a coastline of more than sixty kilometres long and a nautical mile offshore. The natural richness resides in its numerous unique formations, such as beaches, cliffs and underwater caves. The first is the one in Los Lances, declared a natural site due to the value of the landscape and fauna that it possesses. Furthermore, on the isthmus of Punta Camarinal there is a natural monument, the Bolonia Sand Dune, an active dune of over thirty metres in height.

The vegetation is conditioned by the winds and a strong and historic human presence. The peaks of the La Plata and San Bartolomé mountains, where the Egyptian vulture, griffon vulture and peregrine falcon fly, offer little vegetation due to the abundance of rocky outcrops, with only the growth of low bushes, grassland and botanical endemisms. In the lower areas, with better soil, there are groves of cork oak, wild olive trees and reforested pine. On the rocky beaches and cliffs, under the influence of winds, marram grass, stone pine, juniper, camarina, sea juniper and many water birds - Kentish plovers, sanderlings and Audouin's gulls. Its sandy seabeds are home to dense meadows of phanerogams, such as sea grass. Further into the sea, where the red and brown seaweed, such as laminaria, form copses, we find marine fauna of great value. In addition to the whales, dolphins, loggerhead turtles, porpoises, tuna and sharks, there are several endemisms present: sponges, jellyfish, molluscs and crustaceans. The fauna increases considerably during the migratory steps to form a festival of life, as thousands of birds up to 300 species cross the Strait of Gibraltar to travel between Europe and Africa: black stork, black vultures, golden eagles, Montagu's harrier,… It is also the route of numerous sea mammals in their journeys between the two salt water masses.
Nature Areas
Nature park
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Points of interest

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Del Estrecho
Calle Coghen, San Fernando, 3, 11100
Contact information
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Services and infrastructure

  • Tourist Office

Target audiences

Seniors, Couples, Friends, I travel alone, Lgbti, For families, young people


Culture, Sun anda beach, Nature, Sports, Leisure and fun

Type of activity

Free Flying, Fishing, Surfing, Windsurfing, Horse riding, Hiking, Diving, Climbing, Bungee jumping, Multi-adventure activities, Sailing, Kayaking, Hot air ballooning, Water skiing, Skydiving, Kitesurfing, Biking, Off-road vehicles

Quality brands

European Charter for Sustainable Tourism, -

Environmental units

Litoral del Estrecho (The Coast of the Strait)

Statement date

21 / 03 / 2003

Area (m2)