Sierra de Grazalema

Sierra de Grazalema
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The Sierra de Grazalema rises at the feet of the ocean, a gigantic wall dotted with small white villages, firmly receiving the Atlantic storms that make this massif in the most rainy place on the Iberian Peninsula.

In the westernmost part of the Bética ranges, halfway between the provinces of Cadiz and Malaga, the rains have carved according to their own fancy one of the most rugged mountains of Andalusia. Thus, it is home to one of the largest caves of Andalusia, the Hundidero-Gato system with almost 8 kilometres of galleries and over 200 metres of slopes; housing the Sierra del Endrinal, a high limestone where spectacular active lapiaces alternates with plains; it is home to spectacular hollows and poljes, such as Líbar and Los Llanos del Republicano; and includes mountains such as Caíllo and Ubrique which create amazing formations, deep gorges -Salto del Cabrero and El Saltadero- and impressive canyons -Garganta Seca and Garganta Verde of vertical walls that reach heights of 400 metres.

Oak forests dominate, together with a cohort of mastic, hawthorns and gorse, leaving place in the shade for gall oaks. At sandstone soils, the oak is replaced by cork oak and an undergrowth comprising various species of heather and rockrose, as well as myrtle and ferns. But the botanical protagonist in these mountains is the fir, a Mediterranean firm rooted in past eras and present only on the highest peaks of the mountains of Cadiz, Malaga and the Moroccan Rif. Several groves are found in the Sierra del Pinar, the mountains of Zafalgar, Endrinal and Margarita. Also outstanding is its flora, no coincidence that we count over 1,300 species, of which almost fifty are Iberian endemisms and seven of which are exclusive to this nature area, as the poppy of Grazalema and the "relojillo of recoder" geranium. As to fauna, there are many mammals, as the mountain goat, otter, stag, marten, genets and badger. But the representative species is conditioned by the large number of existing caves, home to colonies of bat: horseshoe and cave. The abundance of rocky crags favours numerous communities of rupicolous birds, as the griffon vulture, Egyptian vultures and Bonelli's eagle.
Nature Areas
Nature park
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Points of interest

Coordinates not available

Services and infrastructure

  • Botanical Garden
  • Tourist Office

Target audiences

Lgbti, Couples, I travel alone, For families, Seniors, young people, Friends


Culture, Gastronomy, Leisure and fun, Nature, Sports

Quality brands

European Charter for Sustainable Tourism, -, ISO 14001:2004

Environmental units

Media Montaña Bética mountain

Statement date

13 / 02 / 1985

Area (m2)