Complejo Endorreico de El Puerto de Santa María

Complejo Endorreico de El Puerto de Santa María
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The Complejo Endorreico (Endorheic Area) of El Puerto de Santa María, is the most westerly in Cadiz province and consists of three lakes: Salada, Chica and Juncosa. Salada Lake is the largest and, just like Chica Lake, it dries up in summer, though they both remain full all year round in years of heavy rainfall. Juncosa Lake, because of its size and its temporary nature, is dry almost all year round, except for specific periods of constant rain, so it is almost entirely covered in vegetation.

This nature reserve has ecological value because it is an important place for the preservation of birds, some of which are endangered species. Because of its proximity to Doñana National Park, this area is used as an alternative site when the marshes around the Guadalquivir River are dry. In years with good levels of water, Salada Lake is an important breeding ground for white-headed ducks and red-knobbed coots.

The lakes are surrounded by a belt of reeds, reed mace, bulrushes, tamarisks and rushes, which give life to a large population of birds, such as flamingos, white-headed ducks, red-knobbed coots, marbled ducks, red-crested pochards, black-winged stilts, northern pintails, northern lapwings, etc.

Nature Areas
Nature reserve
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Coordinates not available
Complejo Endorreico de El Puerto de Santa María

Services and infrastructure

  • Tourist Office

Target audiences

Friends, I travel alone, For families, Seniors, Lgbti, young people, Couples



Environmental units

Meadows and Countrysides of the Guadalquivir

Statement date

09 / 04 / 1987

Area (m2)


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