Hotel Castillo

Hotel Castillo
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The Castle Hotel has a privileged location in Palma del Rio as it is very close to the old town and other sites of interest, such as the Gran Teatro Coliseo, the Paseo de Alfonso XIII or the Queen Victoria Gardens.

The Castle Hotel has a bar, cafeteria, restaurant and banqueting room, large areas of parking, disabled access, boarding of pets, laundry, and its 67 rooms are equipped with tv, heating, air conditioning, telephone, full bathroom and free Internet access.

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Hotel Castillo
Calle Portada, 47, 14700
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Services et infrastructures

  • Accessible aux handicapés
  • Animaux de compagnie
  • Bar
  • Restaurant
  • Stationnement
  • WIFI
  • climatisation
  • Équipements pour Handicapés


3 Étoiles

Public objectif

jeune homme, couples, Lgbti, amis, Famille, je voyage seul, traiter, Elder

Numero de registre


Nombre de chambres


Mode d'hébergement


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