Infiernos de Loja

Infiernos de Loja
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Water is the main protagonist of the Infiernos de Loja Natural Monument. Over time it has formed this landscape into a valuable natural paradise.

The Genil River has formed two levels of terraces through materials brought downstream and subsequently deposited. Its waters flow between the two levels in waterfalls, eroding the rock to form a deep canyon. These narrow gorges produce fast flowing water in some areas leading to waterfalls such as the "Cola de Caballo" (Horse's Tail).

Meanwhile springs from the Manzanil, Terciado and Frontil aquifers, which run down from the Loja and Hacho Mountains, pour their carbonated waters into the Genil. In some areas, the carbonates precipitate and solidify, fossilising the flora and fauna in the water and its immediate surroundings. This gives rise to weird and wonderful shapes called travertine formations. Furthermore, the temperature and humidity conditions here are ideal for a large number of plant and animal species.

Aquatic fauna such as frogs, crabs, Mauremys leprosa and trout.

Riverine forest vegetation predominates.
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Points d'intérêt

Coordonnées non disponibles
Infiernos de Loja
Se pueden visitar desde la terraza inferior, por el camino de Los Molinillos, o visitar la terraza superior y ver la cola del caballo desde el mirador de La Esperanza, por el camino de la Esperanza.

Services et infrastructures

  • Office du Tourisme

Public objectif

jeune homme, amis, Famille, couples, Elder, Lgbti, je voyage seul

Les segments

Nature, Culture

Type d'activité


Saison de l'année

All year

Unités environnementales

Moyenne montagne Bétique

Date de déclaration

01 / 10 / 2003

Surface (m2)