La Sierrezuela

La Sierrezuela
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Located at the border between the districts of Villafranca de Córdoba and Adamuz, the Public Hill Park of La Sierrezuela is the property of the Regional Government of Andalusia. The Department of the Environment is responsible for its management.

The vegetation in this area consists of oak woods, Mediterranean woodland and repopulated stone pines. You'll also find species of shrubs like the cistus, strawberry tree, wild olive, mastic, Spanish buckthorn, etc… The numerous streams passing through this area favour the appearance of typical invasive shrubs like blackthorns, oleanders, brambles… The fauna includes mammals and reptiles, featuring the common genet, Iberian ribbed newt, Mediterranean turtle, Iberian mongoose, wildcat and wild boar. Birds are represented by a long list of species, featuring wood pigeons, jays, spotted woodpeckers and large number of passerines. The most common birds of prey are the sparrow hawk, the brown owl, and the eagle owl. Other birds of prey like the goshawk, golden eagle, Bonelli's eagle and the common buzzard are occasional visitors to these skies. The presence of the Iberian lynx following a reinforcement project undertaken in this region is worth a special mention.

There is a car park at the entrance. Access by motor vehicle is forbidden and only authorised for those who are on foot, on a bicycle or in a vehicle drawn by an animal.

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La Sierrezuela
Carretera A-421, km. 5, 14420
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I travel alone, Couples, Friends, For families, Lgbti, Seniors, young people


Nature, Leisure and fun

Environmental units

Meadows and Countrysides of the Guadalquivir

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