El Palacil

El Palacil
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The Restaurante El Palacil is part of the facilities of the Apartamentos El Palacil, accommodation with charm located in the town of Vélez Blanco. It is characterised for being a restaurant serving traditional cuisine and a selection of meat dishes in an idyllic setting.

Professional caterers since 1968, El Palacil has long international experience in the sector, and serves top-quality products. The Restaurante El Palacil is located near the river, in the Nature Reserve of Sierra de María - Los Vélez.

Their specialities include meat from Galicia, duck, Segura mountain lamb, Iberian pork, etc.

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El Palacil
Calle Molino Cantarería, 22, 04830
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Services and infrastructure

  • Accessible for handicapped
  • Parking
  • Terrace
  • WIFI

Target audiences

Couples, young people, Friends, For families, Seniors, Lgbti, I travel alone



Registry number



Caza, Verduras, Desserts-Sweets, Wines, Tapas, Salads, Meat, Cocina tradicional

Quality brands

Andalusia Nature Reserve



Types of cuisine

Basque cuisine, Andalusian cuisine, Other countries

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