Small tranquil village, belonging to the region of Alto Almanzora and situated in the Sierra de los Filabres, in mountainous terrain which is scarcely cultivated due to its difficulty and lack of water.
Sfloy, Sofli, Suflí, is a place-name of Arabic origin that means "those from below".The same as all the villages in the AREA, the principal settlement dates from Al-Andalus times and after the Christian conquest at the end of the XV century and the Moorish rebellion in the middle of the XVI century, it suffered the expulsion of the Moors from the Kingdom of Granada. This vacuum in the population was not made up for by the old Christian settlers who arrived afterwards.
At the beginning of the XX century it would reach its maximum number of population, some 800 inhabitants. The loss of population would be a gradual one until the present day. First the emigration of the 30""s and 50s, and then that of the 60"s, and nowadays the emigration to the coast.
The current activity is agriculture for own consumption. Some people work in the marble zone and the agroalimentary industry is worth mentioning. More specifically, the famous "fritá" de Suflí (fried food). A tradition in preserving which in recent years has become an industry. As it is a product that still uses traditional techniques, it is only carried out during the season.
- Max 8
- Min 8
- Max 46
- Min 46
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