Tierraventura Cazorla

Tierraventura Cazorla
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Tierraventura Cazorla is a company dedicated to leisure, adventure and sports activities for people of all ages. Founded in 1998, this means we have over 20 years' experience in this sector.

We specialise in groups looking for a different type of tourism whilst enjoying nature and sport.

It is our great fortune to be working in the largest Nature Reserve in Spain, and we are firmly committed to preserving and caring for it.

We are passionate about our work and we aim to make our clients feel new sensations, overcome their own fears and create unforgettable memories. 

We organise multi-adventure activities for school groups, training cycles, associations, incentive groups, groups of friends, families, etc. always guided by professional experts.

We have made a commitment to a number of high-quality brands.

* Singles: You can enjoy the activities individually. * Families: Programme of activities for children. Leisure options for enjoying with your family. * Young people: Sporting activities to enjoy with friends or for meeting other young people: rafting, mountain bikes, kayaking, etc. * Seniors: Activities which do not require you to be in good physical condition. * Couples: Activities designed for couples.

Sport activities
Active tourism company
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Tierraventura Cazorla
Crta de Burunchel. Debajo del castillo, Estamos debajo del castillo de La Iruela., s/n, 23476
Contact information
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Services and infrastructure

  • Parking

Target audiences

Lgbti, I travel alone, For families, Friends, Couples, Professional, Seniors, deal, young people


Sports, Cyclotourism, Turismo LGTBI, Nature, Culture, Meetings and Congresses, Leisure and fun

Type of activity

Climbing, Hiking, Horse riding, White Water Rafting, Biking, Off-road vehicles, Mountaineering, Canyoning, Caving, Kayaking

Registry number



Rafting, Climbing, Senderismo, Mountain Biking, Canyoning, Turismo Ecuestre, Caving, Montañismo

Quality brands

European Charter for Sustainable Tourism, Andalusia Nature Reserve, Declaration of responsibility for anti-Covid measures, -


Summer, Spring, Autumn, Winter

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