My Way American

My Way American
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Located in Seville, My Way American is decorated in pure American style and is the preferred bar for a very diverse clientèle made up young people, both local and tourists from all over the world.

The classic dishes include the Philadelphia, Kentucky and New York hamburger, as examples of typical delicacies from American cuisine.

The menu at My Way American offers an interesting variety of specialities in hamburgers and Tex-Mex dishes, so you are free to make up the menu just as you like. From a Camembert salad to a chicken hot dog, as well as a variety of hamburgers.

Home delivery.

Every day, 1pm to 4.30pm and 8.30 pm to midnight.

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My Way American
Calle Úbeda, 3, 41003
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Services and infrastructure

  • Accessible for handicapped
  • Facilities for Disabled
  • WIFI

Target audiences

Lgbti, Friends, young people, For families, Couples, I travel alone, Seniors




Tapas, Meat, Desserts-Sweets, Parrilla, Verduras, Salads

Opening date




Types of cuisine

Other countries

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