Sala Cero Teatro

Sala Cero Teatro
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Thirteen years ago, on 4 November 1999, Sala Cero Teatro opened its doors on Calle Miguel Cid, in Seville. The founders opened the theatre after realising that, alongside large public institutions, there were not many places that promoted small and medium-sized productions.

Six years later, in March 2005, Sala Cero Teatro moved to its current location on Calle Sol, because Miguel Cid theatre, with only 63 seats, became too small. The theatre managed to preserve its identity whilst increasing its quality and quantity. Because, thanks to this move, the number of activities and spectators increased notably.

Sala Cero Teatro today is so much more than just a stage. Two different but complementary and essential lines of work are carried out, which seek to promote the dissemination of the most current and unpublished creations. Sala Cero Teatro is a production and distribution centre, as well as a performing and artistic space.

Places of leisure
Theatres and Auditoriums
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Sala Cero Teatro
Calle Sol, Santa Catalina, 5, 41003
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Services and infrastructure

  • Accessible for handicapped
  • Bar


Culture, Leisure and fun

