Song normally composed by four verses, the first two and last are six syllable, and the third is eleven syllable, divided in two parts per verse of five and six syllables and you can also find those with three verses. Its origin, although uncertain, has to be dated at the geneis of flamenco, since there is proof that it was sung in the XVIII century. It is by excelence the song of sorrow and presents a extensive variation in style. The accents of its beat has lead many into thinking that it is a 'amalgama´ beat. In reality it is 12/8 in which the silences play an important part It is always accompanied by half modal tones, although some personal styles present brief supporting major chords, these changes in rhythm being known as 'acabalados´, due to thier similarity to the 'cabal´. Its main centre of creation is Jerez de la Frontera, where Paco la Luz, Manuel Molina, el Loco Mateo, María Borrico, Juanichi el Manijero or Joaquin Lacherna are from. However this song is also licitly buried in Cádiz by the performance of el Mellizo, Enrique el Gordo, Curro Durse and in Sevilla - Caganchos, Pelaos, Frasco el Colorao.