Pueblos del Interior Trail - GR 244

Pueblos del Interior Trail - GR 244
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The Pueblos del Interior Trail - GR-244 links ten municipalities: Alcudia de Monteagud, Benitagla, Benizalón, Castro de Filabres, Lucainena de las Torres, Senés, Tabernas, Tahal, Uleila del Campo and Velefique.

Along the 109 km of the route, we will find countless ethnological and landscape contrasts, the mountainous massif of the Sierra de los Filabres from where we can see Tabernas Desert and the Sierra de Alhamilla Nature Site. Its Mediterranean forest allows us to discover characteristic flora and fauna complete with more than fifty endemic species. We explore these places throughout the different stages, allowing us to savour a not too distant past where rural life has left us latent remains such as the mills in all their forms, hydraulic, mechanical and wind, which are in stark contrast to today's energy-generating turbines.

Along most of the route, we can see the original paving of these old roads linking towns, mills, bakeries,'tejeras', limestone quarries, wells, aqueducts and reservoirs that adorn the path on our way.

The villages on this path have a rich history that dates back to the Palaeolithic and Neolithic eras as they explain their archaeological sites to us. The first villages were established during Roman times, although it was the Moors who made an authentic colonisation and achieved maximum splendour in the Nasrid era. There are numerous remains of castles and fortresses from this period, as well as the medieval appearance of the majority of the villages. The mining past of Sierra Alhamilla is also of great historic value, a driver of the area's economy.

The genuine revelation for visitors is how its people have adapted to modern times and have developed a modern agricultural industry in this region, as well as an incipient tourism offer that can be noted in the new infrastructure, green route, trails, information points, interpretation centres, visitor centres, etc. complete with a delightful accommodation network and restaurants with its traditional dishes that combines Andalusia and Levante cuisine.

Type of Trail: Circular. Trail Status: Approved and Signposted 2011. Total Length: 109 km. Sections: 7 Accessibility: Suitable for walking and, except for some sections, horseback or mountain bike. Maps: I.G.N./S.G.E. 1:50,000: 1013 and 1030

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Pueblos del Interior Trail - GR 244 - 1
Difficulty Medium - Low
  • Length: 9.15km
  • Cycling percentage: 100.0%
A Uleila del Campo
B Benizalón
Pueblos del Interior Trail - GR 244 - 2
Difficulty Medium - Low
  • Length: 10.4km
A Benizalón
B Benitagla
C Alcudia de Monteagud
D Tahal
Pueblos del Interior Trail - GR 244 - 3
Difficulty Medium - Low
  • Length: 12.8km
A Senés
B Velefique
C Castro de Filabres
Pueblos del Interior Trail - GR 244 - 4
Difficulty Medium - Low
  • Length: 23.11km
A Tabernas
B Turrillas
C Lucainena de las Torres
D Tabernas
Pueblos del Interior Trail - GR 244 - 5
Difficulty Medium
  • Length: 20.5km
A Lucainena de las Torres
B Sorbas
C Uleila del Campo
Pueblos del Interior Trail - GR 244 - 6
Difficulty Medium - Low
  • Length: 13.13km
A Tahal
B Senés
Pueblos del Interior Trail - GR 244 - 7
Difficulty Medium
  • Length: 19.69km
A Castro de Filabres
B Tabernas
C Tabernas

Services and infrastructure

  • Tourist Office

Target audiences

Friends, young people, Lgbti, Couples, Seniors, I travel alone, For families




Autumn, Winter, Spring