The kingdom of Seville 3

The kingdom of Seville 3
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Another basic itinerary leads to the old county of Niebla, after visiting the Monastery of El Loreto at Espartinas, the very interesting Mudéjar churches of San Pedro, San Eustaquio and Santa María at Sanlúcar la Mayor and the parish churches at Huévar and Aznalcázar.

Over the border to the province of Huelva, the parish churches at Hinojos and Paterna del Campo are Mudéjar. The Church of San Bartolomé at Villalba is Almohade and Mudéjar, and then there is the main chapel at the Church of Nuestra Señora del Valle at La Palma, and at Niebla, the Church of Santa María de la Granada, mixture of mosque and Mudéjar and Gothic church.

At Trigueros, the Church of San Antón de los Templarios, built on top of an Almohade fortress, at Lucena del Puerto, the old Convent of La Luz, nowadays a handsome country house (Gothic church). At Moguer, the Monastery of Santa Clara. At Palos, Church of San Jorge and Monastery of La Rábida. At Huelva, Church of San Pedro and the shrine of La Cinta. At Lepe, Church of Santo Domingo and at Ayamonte, the Hermitage of San Sebastián and Church of El Salvador.

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The kingdom of Seville 3 - 1
Difficulty Low
A Villalba del Alcor
B Palma del Condado, La
C Niebla
D Trigueros
E Lucena del Puerto
F Moguer
G Palos de la Frontera
H Huelva
I Lepe
J Ayamonte
The kingdom of Seville 3 - 2
Difficulty Low
A Espartinas
B Sanlúcar la Mayor
C Huévar del Aljarafe
D Aznalcázar
E Hinojos
F Paterna del Campo

Services and infrastructure


Gothic and Mudejar Routes


Spring, Winter, Summer, Autumn