Deepest Andalusia: Cordoba and Jaén
In Andalusia, many areas are worth visiting to discover natural landscapes of immense ecological value and ancient cities where history and art seem frozen in time. One of the most important cities along the Routes of Baroque Andalusia is Priego, whose churches and shrines summarise the architectural styles of 17th and 18th century art.
Historic sites, nature, gastronomy, crafts, festivals and folklore events declared of Tourist Interest, hidden corners teeming with charm are just some of the attractions that "Deepest Andalusia" has to offer. And, of course, be sure to visit the historic town centres of Aguilar de la Frontera, Alcalá la Real, Fernán Núñez, Huelma, Martos, Torredonjimeno and Zuheros to soak up their fascinating ancestral heritage.
It's an experience you'll never forget.