Museo Miguel Hernández / Josefina Manresa

Museo Miguel Hernández / Josefina Manresa
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The Miguel Hernández - Josefina Manresa Museum, in the Jaén municipality of Quesada, on the ground floor of the Rafael Zabaleta Museum, covers a surface area of 553.85 m2 and contains a large part of the legacy of Miguel Hernández. It provides a journey through the life and work of the poet and his wife, the Quesada woman Josefina Manresa — a love story full of passion and emotion — in 6 exhibition rooms:

The reception area shows visitors the importance of the author and his personal and literary evolution through chronological stages, linked to his books.

Room of the shepherd poet: Perito en Lunas (January 1933). Poetry from adolescence. Hermetic verses of pastoral and religious inspiration. Nature and innocence.

Room of the poet in love: El rayo que no cesa (January 1936). Sonnets based on the subject of love. Stay in Madrid. Personal and literary change. Break from the church.

Room of the soldier poet: Viento del Pueblo (September 1937)/ El hombre acecha (1938). Literature of social commitment and struggle. Stay in Jaén. Journey to the USSR and start of the pessimistic accent and intimism.

Room of the martyr poet: Cancionero y Romancero de Ausencias (1939-41). Prison stage. Intimist and nostalgic poetry for lost freedom. Songs of hope in a context of defeat.

Room of the mythical poet: (Post-mortem). Tributes, publications and translations of the work of Hernández abroad. The role of singer-songwriters. The poet and his current cultural and educational dimension.

26/10 to 29/03: Wednesday–Sunday and holidays: 10am-2pm and 4pm-7pm. 30/03 to 25/10: Wednesday–Sunday and holidays: 10am-2pm and 5pm-8pm. Closed Mondays and Tuesdays (except public holidays and eves of public holidays); 1 and 20 January; 29 August; 24, 25 and 31 December.

Tickets: 4 € Retired people and disable: 2 € Children (from 6 to 18 years): 1 € University students: 2 € Groups (over 20 persons): 3 € Groups of schools: 1 € Residents or born in Quesada and teachers: Free

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Museo Miguel Hernández / Josefina Manresa
Plaza Cesáreo Rodríguez-Aguilera, 5, 23480
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  • Shopping area

Target audiences

For families, Friends, deal, Lgbti, Couples, young people, I travel alone, Seniors, Professional




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