Hermitage of El Dulce Nombre de Jesús

Hermitage of El Dulce Nombre de Jesús
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The Hermitage of Dulce Nombre de Jesús, located in Puente Genil, Cordoba, is a temple of Mudejar origin dating back to the 16th century. Throughout its history, it has undergone various renovations, including a significant one in 1824 by brother José Atanasio de Rivas y Gálvez. In the last third of the 19th century, the transept and a new altarpiece, the work of the sculptor Casanova, were added. 

The hermitage is known for housing the image of the Virgin of Solitude, which is carried in a procession on Good Friday night. Currently, it is open to the public for visits and liturgical celebrations. 

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Hermitage of El Dulce Nombre de Jesús
Calle La Huerta T, 2T, 14500

Services and infrastructure

  • Facilities for Disabled
  • Historic building






All year

Open to visitors
