Aceites Vizcántar
Located in Priego de Córdoba, Aceites Vizcántar is a company specialising in olive oils protected by the Regulatory Council of the Priego de Córdoba Designation of Origin and which originate from organic farming.
The services provided by Aceites Vizcántar include a "Route of the Millenary Olive Trees” guided tour and oil tasting, a wonderful journey through the aromas and flavours of the different olive oils. The tasting includes information on the benefits of olive oil, catering for a maximum of 70 people and lasting approximately an hour and a quarter.
The Route of the Millenary Olive Trees is a journey through life, history, culture and tradition by means of an excursion through an age-old olive grove where a number of trees are over 1,000 years old. The route is suitable for groups of 10 or more people and can be conducted in Spanish, English, French and Arabic).
This activity always takes place together with the oil tasting. The two activities together last about 3 hours.