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The village of Pórtugos is located on the south face of the Natural Park of Sierra Nevada, on the road that links Pitres to Trevélez. It shares the typical features of all Alpujarra villages, i.e. a distinctive type of architecture in the buildings, adapted to the structure of the irregular land and to the climate of the AREA, visitors can enjoy not only fantastic scenery but also ferruginous water springs, such as the Fuente Agria. The Chorreón de Pórtugos is also a very popular spot, which is worth a visit.

In the heart of the Alpujarra, a unique natural connection between the Mediterranean coast and Sierra Nevada, towered by the highest peaks of the Peninsula, Pórtugos is a place to visit as part of the Alpujarra route.


Previously called Pórticos.
The history of Pórtulos runs in a parallel history to other villages in Alpujarra, an AREA that because of its geographical isolation has developed its own characteristic culture. It had its moment of splendour under the Arab Andalusian period when all of the Alpujarra was an important agriculture centre, specializing in silk production. After the Christian re-conquest of Granada in 1492 by the Catholic Monarchs, the population suffered to an unbearable extreme and thus, in 1568, Hernando de Córdoba y Válor, a rich landowner proclaimed himself as Abén Humeya, uprising against Phillip ll, causing a general revolt amongst the Moors from all over the kingdom of Granada. Internal disagreements amongst the Moors, who in 1569 assassinated Abén Humeya, allowed Don Juan de Austria to terminate this revolt. The Moors were eventually expelled in 1609.
Under Muslim domination it was part of the Taha de Ferreira.
In the past it comprised the annexe of Laujar or Alauxar, and the Mahdin and Haratarraya or Atarrache districts. The town centre was crowned by a medieval castle, which disappeared.
The weather today in Pórtugos
  • Max 7
  • Min 5
  • Max 44
  • Min 41
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