Song with a 'copla' of four, eight syllable, verses, the second and fourth rhyming It presents numerous musical tastes, with the 'caña' and arises as a flamenco style, at the end of the XIX century. Although before this danceable folk music, acompanied by 'vihuelas' (instrument like a guitar but bigger) tambourines and lutes, existed with the name 'polo'. Its invention is attributed to Tobalo from Ronda, although many experts aren't in agreement with this premises. Currently it is not a usual song, that starts with a 'ayeo' which serves to attune and is usually finished with the so called 'soleá apolá de Triana', since the 'polo' belongs to the 'solerarera' family It is a song a style freer than that of the 'caña' in so far as the singers possibilities of improvisation, but has a fixed beat of 3/4. Amongst the first singers that literature cites as great maestro's of this style are; Tobalo, El Plantea, El Fillo, Curro Durse, Antonio Chacón, Pepe el de la Matrona, Antonio Mairena and Fosforito.