Exportadora Andaluza de Aceites

Exportadora Andaluza de Aceites
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Exportadora Andaluza de Aceites (Andalusian Oil Exporter) is situated in the Jaen town of Peal de Becerro; it is a company dedicated to the production, bottling and sale of the highest quality olive oil, paying special attention to the bottling process and the selection of recipients.

Exportadora Andaluza de Aceitesare based in the centre of the largest area of olive oil production in the world, where oils of the highest quality are produced, and at the entrance to the largest nature reserve in Europe, Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas.

This company puts special care into the work of collecting the olives, taking as an example the experience inherited from a millennium-old tradition, but at the same time making use of the most modern techniques to ensure that the extra virgin olive oil, an authentic fruit juice, reaches their demanding clients with the maximum quality.

Contact visits

Gastronomic Activities
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Exportadora Andaluza de Aceites
Carretera de Quesada, Km. 1, 23460
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Services and infrastructure

  • Accessible for handicapped
  • Historic building
  • Parking
  • Shopping area
  • WIFI

Target audiences

For families, Couples, deal, young people, I travel alone, Lgbti, Seniors, Friends


Culture, Gastronomy


Olive Oil

Quality brands
