Dunas del Odiel Botanical Garden

Dunas del Odiel Botanical Garden
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Dunas del Odiel Botanical Garden is on the road which links Huelva with Mazagón, in the town of Palos de la Frontera, within the Lagunas de Palos y las Madres Nature Area.

The Dunas del Odiel Botanical Garden is part of the Andalusian Network of Botanical and Mycological Gardens in Natural Areas.

In Dunas del Odiel Botanical Garden you can discover the fauna and plant communities typical of the Atlantic coast of Andalusia (Biogeographic Sectors Cadiz-Onubense and Algarviense), an arch 20 to 30 km wide between the mouth of the Guadiana River in Huelva and the cliffs of Barbate in Cadiz.

The sea, that applies its influence with its tides and its breath (salty spray), characterises this area which, except for rocky cliffs, is characterised by extensive dotted sands of plentiful temporary and permanent lagoons. Alongside these, the streams and major rivers, and the contact between their fresh and salt waters in the marshes, comprise a unique landscape that is home to a rich and varied flora.

Free admission.

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Leisure Parks
Botanical Park
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Services and infrastructure

  • Accessible for handicapped
  • Facilities for Disabled
  • Parking



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