Pilarillo – Cumbre de Peñalta Trail- PR-A 180

Pilarillo – Cumbre de Peñalta Trail- PR-A 180
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The Pilarillo – Cumbre de Peñalta Trail PR-A 180 takes us from the vicinity of the Casa Forestal del Pilarillo to the summit of the Peñalta. It runs through the municipal district of Orcera, mainly through forests of black pine, under which there is a dense undergrowth of holm oak, Kermes oak, juniper, rock rose and aromatic plants like rosemary, thyme and lavender. In rocky areas you'll find the common yellow broom.

The route takes us along a peaceful forest track climbing gently to the south west, then turning towards the north-east with a steeper gradient. At the point where the PR-A 179, coming from the Fuente de San Miguel (Benatae), joins our route, we will find a splendid natural lookout point to our right. The last section, now on a bridle path, is through the typical rocky, bare terrain of the high Segura mountains.

At the summit, which is crowned by a sharp flagstone, there is a forest fire observance post. It affords a most beautiful panoramic view of the Segura mountain massif and the neighbouring mountain ranges, like Alcaraz, Cazorla and Las Villas, until our sight is lost on the plains of La Mancha.

There are a great number of foxes and squirrels, and you'll see wild goats high up in the mountains. The birds of prey feature the peregrine falcon, the short-toed snake eagle and the griffon vulture. At dusk, you'll hear the tawny owl hooting in the depths of the forest.

Type of Trail: Linear Trail Status: Approved and Signposted 2004. Total Distance: 4.8 Km (one way) Legs: 1 Accessibility: You can either walk or go on horseback. Download Topo Guide Maps: I.G.N. Scale: 1:25.000. Maps: 865 -4 – Siles / 887-2 - Orcera

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Pilarillo – Cumbre de Peñalta Trail- PR-A 180 - 1
Difficulty Medium - Low
  • Length: 4.8km
A Orcera
Pilarillo – Cumbre de Peñalta Trail- PR-A 180

Services and infrastructure

Target audiences

Seniors, Lgbti, Friends, Couples, I travel alone, For families, young people




Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring

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