Nueva Carteya
A village located between the countryside and the Sierras Subbéticas mountains, its land is almost entirely covered with a sea of olive trees, giving it an air of fertility and wealth.
Though Iberian relics have been found here, Nueva Carteya really came into existence in 1822, as a hamlet belonging to Cabra. Of modern design, this well-maintained village exudes tranquility and contrasts sharply with the olive-topped hills which surround it.
According to Valverde and Perales, a settlement was founded here in 1822 on a site known as Monte Horquera, which belonged to the residents of Baena, who had bought it from Philip IV in 1641, and it became a village in 1832.The land was divided up and shared out among all of the residents, the Marquis of Cabriñana was commissioned by the village council to iron out any disputes which arose from this redistribution of territory and he decided to create a village for all those who had to be evicted from land which they had possessed for centuries. This village was named San Juan or La Decision and the Baena clergyman Diego Carro y Diaz, considered to be the founder of the village, played an active part in the surveying work carried out.
In 1832, an independent council was set up, the village"s name having been changed three years earlier to the present-day toponym as a result of the belief that, in ancient times, the settlement of " Carcesa" had stood close by.
Eminent citizens
Diego Carro Diaz, clergyman and founder of the village. 1757 (in Baena)-1828.
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