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Niño de Cabra

Niño de Cabra

Full name

Cayetano Muriel

Place of birth



Cayetano Muriel Reyes, "Niño de Cabra", was born in Cabra (Cordoba) in 1870 and died in Benamejí in 1947, where he had been married. A miller by profession, he abandoned his trade to take up singing.

He is one of the most important creators in the province of Cordoba; thus, Fernando "el de Triana" mentions him as a disciple of Antonio Chacón, performing all the styles of the singer from Jerez, which has generated a lot of controversy amongst scholars, as they were contemporaries.

His great contribution was through folk songs from Cordoba, especially fandangos abandolaos, which he highlighted while working at the Café del Burrero in Seville. He is the father of his own very brave style, which is still frequently performed today.

Many other local performers from the area learned from the "Niño de Cabra", such as "El Seco", Pedro Lavado or even "Fosforito", whom he got to know. Cayetano Muriel has been considered the best interpreter of fandangos from Lucena. He recorded many performances, which were released in 1980 on cassette by the Cayetano Muriel de Córdoba fan club. In 1910, the singer from Cabra stopped singing in public.

Type of artist

Niño de Cabra

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