Complejo Endorreico de Chiclana

Complejo Endorreico de Chiclana
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The Complejo Endorreico (Endorheic Area) of Chiclana, situated in the northeast of the municipality of Chiclana de la Frontera, is formed by Lakes Jeli and Montellano and a surrounding protected area. It is situated in the countryside, in a place of gentle hills and almost flat areas.

The banks of these endorheic wetlands (meaning they do not flow out to sea), which lie on gypsum and clay ground, are colonised by plants that are typical of places near water – bulrushes, reeds, reed mace and tamarisks. While agricultural land is predominant, the areas with steep slopes is home to vegetation consisting mainly of wild olive trees, along with scrubland that includes mastic, kermes oaks, palm, buckthorn, black hawthorn and tree germander

Because of its ornithological value, it has been declared a Special Bird Protection Area (ZEPA). The species that nest here include great-crested grebes, purple coots and red-knobbed coots. Other species, however, just spend the winter here or use it as a stop-off point to find food during their migration. This is the case of white-headed ducks, marbled ducks and flamingos.

Nature Areas
Nature reserve
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Services and infrastructure

Target audiences

For families, Seniors, young people, I travel alone, Couples, Lgbti, Friends



Environmental units

Meadows and Countrysides of the Guadalquivir

Statement date

09 / 04 / 1987

Area (m2)