Morón de la Frontera

Morón de la Frontera
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Set in a rich agricultural region crossed by the Guadaira and Guadalete rivers, between the Sierra Sur and the Campiña region. The generally flat landscape consists of fields used to cultivate cereals, olive trees, herbaceous plants and cotton. The gleaming white town contains many beautiful residences, little palaces, churches and old convents which reveal the splendour of its past. The marble from the local quarry is used in many of its staircases and façades.

The rich history of the town is evidenced by monuments such as the Castle, the Church of San Ignacio, the Church of la Victoria, the Church of San Miguel and the Hermitage of Nuestro Padre Jesús de la Calzada.


The remains discovered in the surroundings, including a dolmen, indicate that the first settlements date back to the Chalcolithic period.
The town grew under the Romans and became an important urban centre. A large number of remains from that period have been found. Pliny refers to it as Aruncci and Strabo as Moro, Morum or Almorul.
Following the fall of the Roman empire a church was built in Morón. It is the oldest of Andalusia, and its foundations still exist.
During the period of Al-Andalus the population grew so rapidly that the city expanded outside the fortifications and reached maximum splendour under the Taifa kingdoms in the 11th century.
The Christian reconquest was led by Ferdinand III in the 13th century, following which the town was granted to the Order of Calatrava.
Towards the middle of the 16th century the Counts of Ureña remodelled their castle, using it as their residence until 1650.
The castle was used as barracks for Napoleon"s troops during the Spanish war of Independence and was blown up in 1812.
Moron has had the title of city since 1894.

Eminent citizens

Torres y León, writer and journalist.
N. Tapia y Núñez de Rendón, writer and politician.
Julio Vélez, writer.
Alberto Garcí­a Ulecia, poet.
Marí­a Luisa Fernández Cotta, painter.
Alejandro Fernández Cotta, poet.
Morón de la Frontera
Morón de la Frontera
The weather today in Morón de la Frontera
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Morón de la Frontera
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