The village is considered to be the greatest producer of olive oil in Spain and in the world. Martos is an important city situated beneath the Cerro de la Peña, topped with the ruins of the castle of the same name. This compact city spreads out over the slopes of the hill, under the Castle of La Villa and the Church of Santa María.
From its privileged location we have beautiful views over a vast sea of olive trees.
Within the village, we can find some interesting monuments, such as the Church of Santa María de la Villa, the Church of las Trinitarias, the Church of San Francisco, the Chapel of San Bartolomé, the Church of San Amador and Santa Ana, the Pilar (the basin) of the Fuente Nueva Fountain, the Hospital of San Juan de Dios, the Royal Parish Church of Santa Marta, the Chapel of Nuestro Padre Jesús and the Old Jail and Town Hall.
It was called Tucci in Iberian times.
Viriato used the village as a stronghold in his fight against the Roman invasion in the years 143-142 B.C.
During the Roman period, Emperor Augustus founded here the colony Augusta Gemella Tuccitana in 27 B.C. It became a Bishop seat and continued during Visigoth times.
King Fernando III reconquered the village in 1219, later to be given to the Order of Calatrava in 1228.
The village was besieged by Ibn-al-Ahmar, King of Arjona.
During the 16th century, Francisco del Castillo, "el Mozo" ("the young boy") started a number of improvements in the village with the economic support of the Order.
El Romancero (a collection of ballads), Tirso de Molina, Lope de Vega and during the Romantic period, they all tell the story of the death of the Carvajales brothers, which happened in this village.
Eminent citizens
Isabel de Solís, later Zoraya, wife of Muley Hacen. San Amador, martyrized priest, Patron Saint of Martos.
Fernando Francisco de Escobedo, Knight of San Juan.
Francisco Delicado, writer, author of "La Lozana Andaluza".
Antonio Álvarez Alonso, composer.
Manuel Martos Pérez, painter.
Manuel Caballero Venzalá, canon and chronicler.
- Max 13
- Min 12
- Max 55
- Min 53
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