Hostal Tak

Hostal Tak
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Hostal Tak is set in a prime location in the old town of Marbella, where guests can make the most of our excellent services. It is on one of the town's most attractive and picturesque streets. You only have to cross it and walk 20 metres to dive into the Mediterranean Sea. The marina and the traditional fishing port are close by.

Hostal Tak features 7 rooms (single and double). Each room has a bathroom, TV with comfortable lighting and warm décor.

It is run personally by the owners, so there is always a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Boarding House
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Hostal Tak
Calle San Ramón, 41, 29600

Services and infrastructure

  • Cleanning Service

Target audiences

Seniors, Couples, young people, Friends, For families, Lgbti

Registry number


No. of rooms




Hosting mode
