Basílica y Museo de la Cofradía de la Esperanza

Basílica y Museo de la Cofradía de la Esperanza
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The collection of the Brotherhood of the Esperanza consists of processional items, liturgical objects and items from the Royal Brotherhood of the Dulce Nombre de Jesús Nazareno y María Santísima de la Esperanza, as well as the processional thrones for both saints, with a strong presence of the latter in the main centre of the permanent exhibition (ground floor). The one destined to Ntro. Padre del Dulce Nombre de Jesús Nazareno is a work by Palma Burgos, made of gilded and polychrome wood, in accordance with a design by the architect Fernando Guerrero Strachan in 1941, and the one dedicated to María Santísima de la Esperanza is a work by the sculptor Andrés Cabello from Málaga, dated between 1940 and 1949.

The rest of the items in the Museum of the Brotherhood of the Esperanza are exhibited in the display cases on the walls, occupying all space from the ceiling to the roof. From the lower floor or by accessing the second floor, it is also possible to view the magnificent fresco painted in the 1960s by Rodríguez-Acosta, transferred to canvas in 1993, and adapted to the new exhibition venue.

Tickets: €2

From Monday to Saturday, from 11 am. to 1 pm. and from 6 to 8 pm. Sunday at 12 pm.

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Basílica y Museo de la Cofradía de la Esperanza
Calle San Jacinto, 1-3, 29007

Services and infrastructure

  • Shopping area

Target audiences

Lgbti, Seniors, Friends, I travel alone, young people, For families, Professional, deal, Couples





Open to visitors
