We are Valeria and Alberto, united by our love for nature. We ventured into the wonderful world of bees just a year ago, striving to contribute our small part to the preservation and well-being of the rural environment where we live, nestled between Sierra Alhamilla and Sierra Filabres, in the heart of Almería. Here, in an oasis in the desert, we care for the environment and respect the rhythm of a bucolic lifestyle, offering courses for schoolchildren and adults focused on environmental care and personal growth.
Sharing and applying the teachings of Ecocolmena, we work towards stress-free, chemical-free beekeeping so that bees can live happily, following their natural rhythm. We manually harvest only the surplus from the colonies. Our honey is not treated or processed in any way other than how the bees make it.
We love sharing our apiary, welcoming sponsors, schools, and anyone who believes in creating change through simple actions. Together with you, we dedicate our time to observing and caring for the hives with a respectful and loving approach toward bees and pollinators.