Almazara Jiménez

Almazara Jiménez
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Almazara Jiménez is near the town of Los Villares, (Jaén), in a dip from which a sea of olive groves stretches up to the peaks of the La Pandera and Jabalcuz hills.

Ancient olive trees of the Picual variety, amongst which numerous streams flow. A mountainous landscape that means the olives must be harvested and cared for in the traditional way.

The beginnings of Almazara Jiménez date back to the end of the 19th century. Today it is managed by the third generation, backing Sustainable Quality and Development. The olives come from the surrounding olive groves that respond to family needs and rural roots. Integrated Production and a careful, early harvest are promoted and incentivised amongst farmers. The annual production highlights the high percentage of Extra Virgin ground each day, the cold extraction, natural separation and storage in a cellar kept carefully without variations in temperature.

Opening times: Monday to Friday: 9am to 2pm and 4 to 7pm.

Gastronomic Activities
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Almazara Jiménez
Antigua Carretera de Martos, km. 1,7, 23160
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Services and infrastructure

  • Accessible for handicapped
  • Facilities for Disabled
  • Parking
  • Shopping area

Target audiences

Lgbti, For families, Seniors, young people, Couples, I travel alone, Friends


Culture, Gastronomy


Olive Oil