Puerto de El Terrón

Puerto de El Terrón
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The El Terrón Port is 8 km from the town of Lepe, at the mouth of the Piedras River and 24 km from Isla Cristina. It is an attractive setting where you can gaze over part of the protected area known as natural park Marismas del río Piedras y Flecha de Nueva Umbría Marshes.

Coordinates: Bar and access channel Piedras River Latitude: 37° 13' 5.87" NLongitude: 7° 7' 37.32" WBeacon: El Rompido LighthouseNautical Chart: D-440

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Puerto de El Terrón
Barriada Puerto Terrón, 21440
Contact information
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Services and infrastructure

  • Access for the disabled
  • Accessible for handicapped
  • Bar
  • Crane
  • Eco-friendly
  • Electricity
  • Gas station
  • Parking
  • Ramps
  • Toilets

Target audiences

I travel alone, Couples, deal, Seniors, young people, For families, Friends, Lgbti



Type of activity

Sailing, Fishing

Registry number


Quality brands

Declaration of responsibility for anti-Covid measures, Blue Flag


Winter, Autumn, Summer, Spring



Private club


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