Nava, La
Village situated in the Valley of the river Murtigas, surrounded by high mountains in the centre of the Sierra de Aracena y los Picos de Aroche Natural Park, one of the most important protected spaces of the Community, which occupies the whole of the north of the province with its meadows and small rises in the ground, covered predominantly in holm oak woods, cork oaks, chestnut trees and scrub through which numerous streams flow forming an extraordinarily beautiful and attractive landscape which is ideal for livestock, especially pigs which find the conditions here ideal.
In addition to its scenic surroundings and natural environment, it is interesting to visit the Nuestra Señora de Gracia Church, catalogued as a Property of Cultural Interest; the remains of the Roman road and the dams on the Murtigas.
During Roman times, the AREA was colonized for the working of the mines.In Al-Andalus times the location of the settlement was changed from Las Calzadas to the current position as the climate was better and the land more fertile.
In later times it was important for the large number of mills it had.