La Alpujarra
The Granada Alpujarra boasts stunning scenery, including almond trees, vineyards and crops grown on terraces.
Due to the particularly hilly terrain, the towns have adapted to the uneven land, which is why they are built spaced out and facing south, to make the most of the gentle Mediterranean climate. The cobbled, winding streets are ideal to go for a stroll and breathe in calmness and tranquillity. Time really does seem to have stopped in the Alpujarra.
One of the main towns in the region is Lanjarón, also known as the Puerta de la Alpujarra. It is the perfect spot to relax in the mineral-medicinal waters. There is also Órgiva, distinguished by its Moorish style.
The Balcón de la Alpujarra, formed by the whitewashed villages of Cañar, Soportújar and Carataunas, and the Barranco de Poqueira, home to the towns of Pampaneira, Bubión and Capileira, are a must-see in this region.
Cuisine in the Alpujarra mainly features meat and cured meat, especially the ham from Trévelez. This town is famous for being the highest municipality in Spain, as well as its typical Moorish pastries and cakes.
Discover all of the beauty of the towns in the Alpujarra region.