Área Profesional Professional Area Professionnel Fachpersonal

Juana la Macarrona


Full name

Place of birth



Juana Vargas was born in Jerez de la Frontera in 1870 and died in Sevilla in 1947 She is the most outstanding dancer of the era of the 'cafés cantantes´ One of her biographer, Daniel Pineda Novo, explains her starts in dance, affirming that her father was a guitarist and her mother a flamenco singer Soon she travelled to Málaga to work in the Café de las Siete Revueltas, where she stayed two years Later she went to Barcelona and afterward returned to Sevilla She was only sixteen years old when Silverio hired her for his 'café cantante´ in calle Rosario From here she went to Burrero and this motivated her rapid ascension to Madrid, where she debuted in Café Romero in calle Atocha In 1889 she danced in Paris and became consolidated as great maestro of all times In 1926 she worked in Verdine´s flamenco opera, some time after Ruben Darío immortalised her with his pen after seeing her dance in Sevilla

Type of artist

Juana la Macarrona

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