Área Profesional Professional Area Professionnel Fachpersonal

Juan Talega

Juan Talega

Full name

Place of birth



Juan Agustín Fernández Vargas born in calle Real Utrera in Dos Hermanas on the 4th of November in 1891 and died in the same area on the 31st of July in 1971 He never became a professional singer, since a great part of his of his life was dedicated to cattle trading, but his ancestry endowed him the art in his veins He was the nephew of Joaquín el de la Paula and son of Agustín Talega, another enthusiast brother of the first who moved from Alcalá de Guadaíra to Dos Hermanas in the search of a living Although he sang his whole life, Juan Talega became recognised in the seventies on appearing as one of Antonio Mairenas teachers He sang in lots of festivals in Andalusia, such as in Caracolá de Lebrija, backed by new figures such as El Lebrijano or José Menese He made few recordings but of great value

Type of artist

Juan Talega

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