La Graja Cave

La Graja Cave
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Due to the limestone materials and the action of water, there are hollows in the Sierra Mágina Natural Park. The abundance of game and wild fruits convinced our Neolithic ancestors, the first settlers of the Guadalquivir, to make it a place of residence. At the northern end of the Aznaitín massif, in the area known as ‘la Cimbra’, is the Cueva de la Graja (La Graja cave). It is actually a shelter 6 metres deep and 6 metres wide, and at its highest point it is 5 metres high. As well as offering marvellous views from its 750 metres of altitude, this cave is home to examples of cave art that were made between 2000 and 5000 years before our era. Made with pigments obtained by mixing iron oxide, clays and animal fats, the paintings represent rites and pastoral work.

A National Historic Monument since 1924, and an Asset of Cultural Interest, it contains representations of rites and shepherding, with different tones, ranging from chestnut to more or less dark reds. These colours were obtained by means of pigments of mineral origin, iron oxide and ferruginous clays, mixed with animal fat. The schematic painting is difficult and complex to interpret, and is mainly linked to the social structure of the groups in the area and the tasks they practised: gathering, hunting and herding.the paintings we see inside are quite abstract, with relatively thick strokes. They may have been made with one's own fingers, or with a crushed twig as a rustic paintbrush. There are several representations: zoomorphic and anthropomorphic figures. Some of the human figures are accompanied by ornaments such as feathers, horns, weapons or other objects. The figure of an oculus with tentacles, surrounded by human figures with arms in handles, is particularly striking. Other representative paintings are those of two figures together and of an individual who seems to be feeding an animal. To visit these paintings, it is necessary to ask for the key at the Town Hall of Jimena or at the Ermita de la Virgen de Cánava, next to its beautiful square with a magnificent fountain with several spouts, and with a thick grove of trees around it, located just before the beginning of the path.

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