Jaén y Entorno

Jaén y Entorno
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One of the main attractions of Jaén, the capital of the province, is its architectural heritage. A cultural heritage passed down through the centuries by the numerous civilizations that have settled in these lands: Iberians, Tartessians, Greeks, Phoenicians, Romans and Arabs.

Among the rich architectural heritage of Jaén, special mention should be made of the cathedral, built by Andrés de Vandelvira in Renaissance style, as well as the Moorish baths.

The region is also the site of towns like Torredelcampo, where the Santa Ana fair, declared of National Tourist Interest, is held; La Guardia de Jaén, with its castle dating from Arab times; Mengíbar, whose San Pedro Apóstol Church is a treasure of Renaissance architecture; Campillo de Arenas, Cárcheles, Martos, Fuerte del Rey, Jabalcuz and others.

Discover all the attractions the Jaén region has to offer.

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