Nuestra Señora de los Remedios de Iznalloz
Nuestra Señora de los Remedios de Iznalloz is in the Granada town of Iznalloz.
Nuestra Señora de los Remedios de Iznalloz was created in 1947, currently has 700 members and 7,000 hectare of mountain olive groves from which high-quality oils are obtained, targeting all market segments.
They work with cutting-edge technology carefully supervised by a qualified group of people.
During the harvest they pick about 23,000,000 kg of olives, with a yield of approximately 5,500,000 kg of olive oil.
Winter: From Monday to Friday from 9 am. to 2 pm. and from 3 to 6 pm. Saturdays from 9 am. to 2 pm. Summer: From Monday through Saturday from 9 am. to 2 pm.