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The municipal zone of Instincion belongs to the AREA of Valle Medio del Andarax, situated in a rough, uneven landscape of semi-desert terrain with scarce vegetation, except in the irrigated parts dedicated to agriculture, especially the grape.

Thanks to the splendour of the grape, a few middle-class houses were built in the village, although the majority of the buildings preserve the characteristic appearance of the villages of Almeria of Arabic origin, presided over by a Mudejar church.


Although its Roman origin cannot be guaranteed, it was definitely a Moslem hamlet in the Middle Ages. During the Al-Andalus period it was known as Estançihum. In the nazari period it formed part of the AREA of Marchena to don Gutierre de Cardenas y Chacon.
Before the War of the Alpujarras (1568-1570), Instincion had 90 Moorish inhabitants and two old Christians. After the war it was left deserted and was subsequently repopulated by people from Levante, Extremadura, Cadiz and Zamora, a total of 84 inhabitants.
The XVII and XVIII centuries brought about a gradual increase in the number of inhabitants. According to the Official Land Register of the middle of the XVIII century, Instincion had 548 inhabitants.
In the first third of the XIX century, with the abolition of the landed estates in 1835, Instincion obtained its legal and administrative independence. In subsequent years, as in the rest of the AREA, the cultivation of the shipment grape or the Ohanes grape was initiated. This provoked economic and demographic development which was very important for the village. In 1877, it reached the point of having 1,742 inhabitants and even in 1910 it maintained 1,504. Nevertheless, its decline began to be noticeable given that the closure of the markets due to the crises in Europe at the beginning of this century, the drought and the Civil War, ruined its vigorous development.
Nowadays, the agricultural activity is maintained with the cultivation of citrus fruits, the grape most in demand on the market, as well as horticulture and fruit trees.
The weather today in Instinción
  • Max 13
  • Min 8
  • Max 55
  • Min 46
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