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Located in Granada, Ciencialia is the result of two doctors in astrophysics with wide experience in divulging "entertaining" science. They are specialists in the teaching and dissemination of information on astronomy in the fields of education and tourism.

Ciencialia carries out both public and private activities. nocturnal and solar astronomical observations, talks, courses, visits to places of astronomic interest, managing temporary exhibitions, and much more. If your interested in learning and having fun, then this is your best choice in Granada.

They have high-quality, portable astronomical instruments, telescopes for both nocturnal observation and for observing the sun at longitudes of specific wavelengths. They operate from home and travel according to customer requirements.

Guided activities companies
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Target audiences

Professional, Couples, young people, Seniors, deal, Lgbti, Friends, For families, I travel alone


Culture, Nature, Astrotourism, Scientific Tourism

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