Azimuth, Educación y Turismo Científico S.L.

Azimuth, Educación y Turismo Científico S.L.
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Azimuth is a company that provides quality astrotourism and educational services and activities. Our work brings science closer to society, making it attractive and accessible to all ages and social conditions.

We specialise in astronomy and work in a natural environment with a privileged sky: the southeast of the Spanish mainland. One of Europe's largest concentrations of professional astronomical facilities can be found here, and Azimuth is helping to promote and manage their astrotourism potential.

Guided activities companies
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Azimuth, Educación y Turismo Científico S.L.
Calle Tórtola, 3º F, 27, 18014
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Target audiences

Seniors, I travel alone, young people, For families, Friends


Nature, Astrotourism, Culture, Industrial Tourism

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