Megalithic Park of Gorafe

Megalithic Park of Gorafe
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The Megalithic Park of Gorafe is located in the Gorafe Depression. In this sector, the Gor River has excavated a deep canyon at the bottom of which there is a fertile valley which is where the town stands. In the past, most of the houses were dug out of ”caves”, the type of habitat common in the region where the limestone-clay materials permit excavation.

Here you'll find one of greatest concentrations of dolmens, 240 in all, (Megalithic burial constructions from the Bronze Age), which, together with others to be found in the valley and on the other side of the gorge, make up one of the largest concentrations of this type of funeral monument both in Spain and in Europe.

The megalithic tombs (dolmens) of the Gorafe area are surrounded by an extraordinary landscape called Bad Lands. A significant number of the dolmens are at the edge of the plain above the canyon although there are other locations, and they were built using large pieces of a sedimentary rock called "caliche" which was obtained from the same area where they were built.

Thirty of them have been restored and they can all be visited. A visit to no. 134 is recommended because it is a special type and in a good state of repair.

This resource is part of the "Gorafe Desert Georoute”, together with the Megalithic Visitor Centre in Gorafe and other natural resources of extraordinary interest.

Free Entrance. Interpretation Center: 3 €

Free admission.

Price from
0.0 €
Open 24 hours
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Megalithic Park of Gorafe
Carretera GR-6100, 18890
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