Almazara Sierra de Génave

Almazara Sierra de Génave
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Almazara Sierra de Génave is located in the province of Jaen in the town of Génave which is part of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Nature Reserve.

Almazara Sierra de Génave is a pioneering company in the production of organic olive oil of the Picual variety, as it was the first producer of this type of oil in Spain, as a result of its participation in the EU Eclair 209 research programme in 1990. Today, its brand Oro de Génave is the most recognised and consumed organic extra virgin olive oil in the world; obtained from organic olive groves that are certified by the Andalusian Committee of Organic Farming.

The main building of the Almazara Sierra de Génave is in a beautiful, classical, Andalusian architectural style, with a reception area for visitors, administrative facilities, function rooms, quality control, tastings, and an area for bottling, packaging and storing raw materials and the finished product. It also has a small, organic, two-phase oil mill and a courtyard with reception hoppers, a washing machine and a stainless steel cleaner.

The Almazara Sierra de Génave has an Organic Olive Grove Visitor Centre.

Visits contact

Gastronomic Activities
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Almazara Sierra de Génave
Avenida de la Estación, s/n, 23392
Contact information
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Services and infrastructure

  • Accessible for handicapped
  • Bar
  • Facilities for Disabled
  • Parking
  • Shopping area
  • WIFI

Target audiences

For families, Friends, Seniors, Couples, Lgbti, deal, I travel alone, young people


Gastronomy, Culture


Olive Oil

Quality brands

Andalusia Nature Reserve

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