Puerto Deportivo de Garrucha

Puerto Deportivo de Garrucha
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The historic remains make the Garrucha Marina particularly interesting when programming your visit. The fishing village of Garrucha has magnificent beaches, but you can also visit the San Joaquín Church and the Jesús Nazareno Castle, a coastal fort from the time of Charles III.

We must mention its espanade, offering a large selection of marvellous cuisine.

Coordinates: Morro del Dique Latitude: 37º 10' 43,84'' NLongitude: 1º 48' 59,40'' WBeacon: Green lightNautical Chart: 462

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Puerto Deportivo de Garrucha
Explanada del Puerto, s/n, 04630
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Services and infrastructure

  • Access for the disabled
  • Bar
  • Boat rental
  • Captaincy
  • Crane
  • Dry Marina
  • Electricity
  • Gas station
  • Parking
  • Restaurant
  • School
  • Toilets
  • Yacht club

Target audiences

For families, Seniors, deal, Couples, young people, I travel alone, Lgbti, Friends



Type of activity

Others, Sailing, Fishing


Autumn, Spring, Winter, Summer

Input width

170 m.

Port mouth

14 m.



Mooring rental


Private club


Spring length

5-12 m.

radio channels

VHF CH9- 16

Fund type
