Necrópolis Megalítica de Gádor

Necrópolis Megalítica de Gádor
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The archaeological site known as the Megalithic Necropolis of Gádor is one of the most extensive and interesting burial grounds in south-eastern Spain. Quite apart from the various types of tombs it contains and its sheer size, it also has great potential in terms of the opportunities it offers for research and restoration.

The burial site comprises many different types of tombs, the majority of them being megalithic constructions featuring a polygonal central chamber formed by large standing stones and covered by a flat roof made up of large stone slabs. Some of the tombs also have a passageway running from the chamber to the entrance. A tumulus built with earth and stones covers the chamber and the passageway. The ancient cemetery also contains a tholoi-type tomb and two graves in small caves.

The tombs were used as landmarks by Copper Age communities and were positioned at strategic points along natural routes of communication. Over time the site developed into a very large burial area which nevertheless comprised, a relatively limited number of tombs, around 70 in all, to form a "scattered cemetery".

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Necrópolis Megalítica de Gádor
ninguna Sierra de Gádor, 04560
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