Frigiliana Tourist Office

Frigiliana Tourist Office
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In Frigiliana, you'll find the Frigiliana Tourist Office in the Casa del Apero, an old granary from the 17th century linked to the Frigiliana Palace.

It was originally used as a granary, for storing the farm implements belonging to the Count, as stables and for mule driving activities.

Today, it is a Cultural Centre where you'll find the Municipal Library, the Frigiliana Archaeological Museum, an exhibition hall, the Town Hall's art collection and the tourist office.

1 July to 15 September: Monday to Saturday: 10am to 2.30pm and 5.30 to 9pm. Sunday: 10am to 2.30pm. 16 September to 30 June: Monday to Friday: 10am to 6pm. Saturday: 10am to 2pm and 4 to 8pm. Sunday: 10am to 2pm.

Tourist Information
Tourist Office
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Frigiliana Tourist Office
Cuesta del Apero, Casa del Apero, 8, 29788
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Services and infrastructure

  • Historic building

Target audiences

Couples, Seniors, Friends, I travel alone, For families, young people, Lgbti


Culture, Nature, Sports, Leisure and fun

Registry number


Quality brands

“Q” for Tourism Quality, -