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Flavours and landscapes of Levante Almeriense

Sabores y paisajes del Levante almeriense (23)

From the incredible viewpoints of Mojácar to the gastronomic show that is the Garrucha fish market, passing through a very curious cultural legacy and landscapes straight out of a film. Accompany us to Levante Almeriense!

In the next report, we want to take you to the area of Levante Almeriense. One of the most important attractions of Spanish geography where arid landscapes contrast with the blue of the wonderful beaches with crystal-clear water and fine sand, with gastronomy that will make you not want to leave the kitchens of the area's restaurants, and where the towns hide places that will invite you to lose yourself in them again and again.

To talk of Levante Almeriense is to talk of light. Every year, thousands of tourists from the north of Europe come to this region in search of its fabulous climate and its famous record for the greatest number of hours of light in Europe, no more and no less than 2000 hours of sun a year - hardly any!

So come with us and let us suggest a weekend plan for this area of Almería that you won't be able to refuse.

Mojácar - little white streets overlooking the sea

We wanted to begin to tell you about the area of Levante almeriense from one of the most representative towns in the region: Mojácar.

Wander through its whitewashed alleys and be surprised by unexpected viewpoints that you will find behind some of the corners of its streets - they're the perfect excuse for "getting lost" in little villages like this.

As you see, its urban area, made up of steep, narrow streets, will not disappoint you. With every step you take, you will find countless charming little spots, such as the Mirador de la Plaza Nueva viewpoint, from which you will have spectacular views towards the Valle de las Pirámides valley and the mountains of Cabrera, Almagreda and Bédar.

But above all, a route full of very curious anecdotes which we prefer you to ask about in situ - such as, for example, the link between Mojácar and Walt Disney himself, or why lots of celebrities, journalists, painters, famous performers and intellectuals from the 60s all arrived in Mojácar practically at the same time. You'll be very surprised by the explanation that they give you there!

An afternoon in the museums of Vera

From Mojácar, we go to the nearby town of Vera, which covers two thousand years of history and a melting pot of cultures, where Muslims, Carthaginians and Romans have left an extraordinary cultural heritage that nowadays shape what is known as the Vera museum trail with a total of 12 ethnographical, archaeological and bullfighting museums - full of curiosities that will mean a real fun day for you.

Amongst the most outstanding museums that you can visit in Vera, you will find the ethno-archaeological museum, where you will be able to see a representation of a prehistoric dwelling.

The water museum, where you will go down to the fountain with the 4 spouts, which has watched the passage of the history of the region for centuries.

Along with many other museums, where you will be able to see everything from a Roman road to the fossils of a whale or the nice museum of trades, where you will see different trades that have been performed in the area recreated to perfection.

An exhibition of utensils and tools from blacksmiths to traditional weavers of esparto grass...

And also a fantastic representation of a traditional rural house from the mid-20th century.

From the sea to the table... dishes that will have you licking your fingers!

And from the streets of Mojácar and the history of the museums of Vera, we're going to Terraza Carmona, one of the most famous restaurants with traditional cuisine from Levante Almeriense, where we will discover the typical gastronomy of the area.

Dishes such as "el gallo Pedro", a flatfish baked with grapes, squid noodles and prawns...

Fried pearly razorfish with red garlic paste from Levante almeriense...

"Gurullos" with rabbit and baby broad beans, which has been served in a glass here....

Garrucha red prawn, considered one of the best in the world by all of the great chefs, such as Ferran Adriá

And countless wonders of the sea and mountains, such as steak of fattened pig in what is known as "Mudejar style”, with walnuts and dates, which will allow you enjoy the landscapes of this area with the best flavours from the sea and the "sierra". Pure delight.

Dreamy evenings

Many cultures have passed through these lands. As we said before, Muslims, Carthaginians and Romans already noticed the wonders of this area. An area full of landscapes and flavours that are waiting for you to enjoy them and fall in love with its beaches and evenings like this one that bid you farewell every day until the following one.

Sabores y paisajes del Levante almeriense (41)


levante almeriense un recorrido por callejuelas blancas un recorrido por los museos de vera cocina tradicional atardeceres de ensueño
Flavours and landscapes of Levante Almeriense
Garrucha, Mojácar, Vera (Almería)

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