Marismas del Odiel

Marismas del Odiel
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Declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO, this interesting marshy area of 7,185 hectares, is situated at the mouth of the river Odiel, between the towns of Huelva, Gibraleón, Aljaraque and Punta Umbría, from which places access to the park can be gained.

In the interior there are the Nature Reserves of the Salt Marshes of El Burro, of 597 hectáres and that of Isla de Enmedio, 480 hectares, which are notable for the degree of preservation of their ecosystems.

In the sandy ecosystems of the wetland areas there are salt cedars (Tamarix canariensis), black juniper (Juniperus phoenicea), kermes oak (Quercus coccifera), lentiscus (Pistacia lentiscus), Halimium halimifolium, rockroses (Cistus salvifolius) and rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). In areas of low recent salt marshes Spartina marítima and Salicornia ramosissima appear. In the high salt arshes there are such characteristic species as Arthrocnemum macrostachyum and the singular Spartina densiflora.

At the points of origin of the streams and in the peripheral swamps a marshy vegetation grows, made up principally of rushes (Juncus acutus y Juncus maritimus), bullrushes (Thypha dominguensis) and tamarisks (Tamarix canariensis).

Odiel is an obligatory stopping place for thousands of migratory birds. It is home to 30 % of the European population of spoonbills. Also there is the grey heron (Ardea cinerea), the purple heron (Ardea purpurea) and the marsh harrier (Circus aeroginosus).

During the wintertime thousands of aquatic birds gather here; especially a large number of flamingos, about 2,000. Occasionally the black stork (Ciconia nigra), the Plegadis falcinellus and the crane (Grus grus) can be seen. We can also find the chameleon (in the sandy parts of the Saltes islands) and the lynx (in the wooded area Campo Común).

Nature Areas
Nature site
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Points of interest

Coordinates not available

Services and infrastructure

  • Accessible for handicapped
  • Tourist Office

Target audiences

Lgbti, Couples, young people, Friends, For families, I travel alone, Seniors



Type of activity


Quality brands



All year

Environmental units

The Atlantic coast of Andalusia

Statement date

25 / 10 / 1984

Area (m2)